A number of years ago, I gave a talk on mapping correspondence – that is, about the ways in which you can plot letters and epistolary exchanges on a map. Perhaps the most important point arising from that talk, for me anyway, was the understanding that mapping correspondence was by no means a straightforward matter. […]
Tag Archives: procrastination
Ahh, procrastination
Where doth time fly? That is the question. Although here are two answers to where some of my time this month has gone (to my shame). – the other day, I spent most of the afternoon chasing after an obscure geographical location on the coast of the Bay of Biscay, only to realize in the […]
Why am I doing this again?
I cannot claim to be an organized person who follows through agendas to their logical conclusions. Instead, more often than not, I find myself running down tangential paths, chasing unicorns or lemurs or hunches of inklings of ticklings of possibilities. Pots of gold at the end of rainbows, that kind of thing. Recently, as part […]
NaTheWriMo Day 5: Building gazebos
Of course, the no. 1 procrastinatory exercise is to do what I’m doing atm with this blog: telling myself (and you lot in the process) how I’m doing and what I’m doing and how it’s all worthwhile and relevant – instead of Just Working On My Thesis. One of the things I keep telling myself […]
On tangentials (& pro-crastination)
One of my worse – or better, depending on your viewpoint – features is my tendency to run off on tangents. I’m not sure why this happens, unless it’s just that I find following paths to see where they end more interesting than continuing along a set course to a defined destination. This is, in […]